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The Prohibition Era was scared with the ethnic cleansing of Amerikaeners, the oppression of Catholics and Zoerkerists, and construction of labor camps across the nation. William Anderson (Elijah V) would bring about the of Prohibitionists rule by attempting to ban the consumption of alcohol in Virginia. Soldiers sent to suppress the Pub Riots instead joined them and William Black, leader of the Martyrs, return to Virginia. This all led to the Conservative Coup in 1934 with the Prohibitionist removed from power and Anderson arrested. The Prohibitionist would face many reprisals in the following years and its political party outlawed until 1985.
Today, the Prohibitionist are the fastest growing religion in Virginia mainly stemming from large families due to their prohibition on birth control. They operate one of the largest charitable foundations in the country, the Virginian Humane Society, and continue to champion racial equality.
