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=== East Indies crisis & the great cooperation ===
The east indies crisis would see the Netherlands drawn into a brutal colonial war that would reshape the relationship between the Batavi nations forever. While the war started out as just another colonial conflict, after 2 years of brutal fighting, it became apparent that this would be a large-scale modern conflict, unlike anything the Netherlands had ever fought. With the mass modernization and expansion of the Dutch military, it became apparent that the Netherlands could simply not do it itself. Its own military-industrial complex needed to be expanded to meet its needs and that would take time. In the meantime, the Netherlands thus looked to the nations within the Batavi sphere for help.
The east indies crisis would see the Netherlands drawn into a war and with it some of its allies, this included troops from the Kaap, Taulandt, and material support from Nieuw Nederlandt. It was a conflict on a massive scale and it brought a great deal of destruction towards the east indies archipelago. Yet it brought the Batavi cartels closer in a official capacity.
The Netherlands at the time sends out numerous delegations to various Batavi nations all with a single goal. Make them produce war materials for the Netherlands and then foreign minister Klaas Muda, proposed the formalization of the already existing ties. This had several intended goals. It would make trade ties formalized, reduce the import tariffs for the war materials, while also creating a wider market for Dutch companies and entrepreneurs to export their products to diversity the Dutch economy and allow it to conduct this war without suffering from any hardships. This push was met not with unanimous agreement by all nations approached, while some nations like Taulandt, De Kaap, and Corea agreed to it far more readily, seeing this as a way to get into the wealthy European markets. Nations like Nieuw Nederlandt and by extension the Amerikaener block were far more hesitant in that they were afraid that this was just a way to pull them into a war that they had no interests in. Yet despite that Nieuw Nederlandt did agree to meet in Amsterdam on the 8th of April 1963, just at around the same time that De Langen doctrine was implemented.
Through the war the Netherlands her needs were greater than it could itself produce, thus to ensure that its supply lines would not be hindered it started to slowly formalize trade relations to a greater extent. These treaties took the form of assistance treaties, formalization of trade treaties, and so on. It all had the single goal for the Netherlands to provide its forces in the indies with the gear it needed. It however in the long term laid the foundations of what would become the Organisatie der verenigde landen.
Through the war period, the need for the formalization of the trade treaties and the joined military operations created a greater sense of cultural connection. Batavi volunteers as they were called filled the ranks of the KNIL and the regular Dutch army and all nations in an effort to keep the war popular put a great deal of effort into the promotion of the concept of brotherhood. This had a variety of reason the primary reason being the profits from the war and the formalization of the trade relations were high, high enough that many within the governments of the various Batavi nations saw it as a logical step to further promote cooperation, this was at the time often outside of the Batavi sphere called the great cooperation.
