The Confederation of Opdamsland


CapitalUtrecht (Ayuhwa)
Largest City
  • Etersheym (Burgos)
Population14 million
Government TypeConfederated Republic
Area999 000km
  • Amerikaans (Official)
  • Cherokee (Official)
  • Choctaw (Official)
  • Sioux (Official)
  • Spanish (Official)
  • +15 other regionally official native languages
  • Opdamslandt Guilder (OLG)

Opdamsland officially The Confederation of Opdamsland is a landlocked country in central North America. Opdamsland borders Mexico, Tussenland and South Tussenland and is the only North American nation that is landlocked. It was created after the Great American Boer War in 1903 as a buffer state between Mexico and Tussenland. Additionally Opdamsland is the only country in the Americas that is majority ethnically amerindian. The capital of the country is Utrecht (Ayuhwa or Iowa) while the largest city is Etersheym (Burgos).

Native Relocation

Spanish-Dutch War

During the Spanish-Dutch war of 1850, the area of land that is currently Opdamsland was lost by Dutch Tussenland and gained by the Spanish crown colony of New Spain. In 1855 the Spanish started calling the region territorio de Acansa. During Spanish rule, Indian tribes that were relocated from Tussenland were mostly left to their own devices. In the 1860's the Spanish founded the cities of San Pedro (modern day Sint Pietersdorp) and San Sebastian and settled 22 families from the Canary islands and Galicia in the territory. Additionally a substantial number of non-relocated Indian tribes from Tussenland migrated into the territory voluntary between 1850 and 1895 in order to escape enclosure, land cessions and unequal treaties made by Dutch settlers.


Former the disputed former Indian territory was Opdamsland gained independence as the nation of Opdamsland after the Mexican-Dutch Boer War (1901) in the Treaty of Williamsburg (1903). Opdamsland was meant to act as a buffer state between Mexico and Tussenland and a homeland for native non-Iroquoian peoples of Tussenland. During the first few months after the creation of the new country, the last series of native relocations from Tussenland occurred with over 8,000 Sioux Indians being forcibly relocated by the Tussenland military from Tussenland to the north-west of Opdamsland.

Tribal Council Period

The original constitution of Opdamsland was written by Tussenland authorities and as such was very pro-dutch in outlook.

Opdamsland under John White Owl (Oukonunaka)

Military Junta

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