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=== Independence ===
Former the disputed former Indian territory was Opdamsland gained independence as the nation of Opdamsland after the [Https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/jqvghk/rtl treaty of williamsburg 1903 ending the/ Mexican-Dutch Boer War (1901)] in the [https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/jqvghk/rtl_treaty_of_williamsburg_1903_ending_the/ Treaty of Williamsburg (1903)]. Opdamsland was meant to act as a buffer state between Mexico and Tussenland and a homeland for native non-Iroquoian peoples of Tussenland. During the first few months after the creation of the new country, the last series of native relocations from Tussenland occurred with over 8,000 Sioux Indians being forcibly relocated by the Tussenland military from Tussenland to the north-west of Opdamsland.
=== Tribal Council Period ===
The original constitution of Opdamsland was written by Tussenland authorities and as such was very pro-dutch in outlook.
=== Opdamsland under John White Owl (Oukonunaka) ===
