National republicanism: Difference between revisions

remove OTL fascism reference
m (Add core concepts of National Republicanism)
m (remove OTL fascism reference)
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* '''Anti-Liberal Democracy and Monarchism''': National republicans view liberal democracy and conservative monarchism as systems that oppress and weaken the nation, making the people subservient to foreign interests. They argue for a more robust, nationalist system that promotes the nation's welfare and sovereignty.
* '''Self-sufficiency and Protectionism''': Central to national republicanism is the belief in national self-sufficiency, which emphasizes a modernist and protectionist approach to development. This includes the promotion of domestic industries and resources, as well as the limitation of foreign influence on the nation's economy.
* '''Nationalization of Industry''': Unlike certain forms of fascism, mostMost national republicans advocate for the nationalization of key industries, rather than their corporatization. This approach aims to ensure that the nation's resources and infrastructure are controlled and managed for the benefit of the people, rather than private interest.
* '''Anti-Colonialism''': National republicans view colonialism as a violation of the integrity of nations, driven by the pursuit of profit at the expense of the colonized people.
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators
