Mid-September Crisis: Difference between revisions

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== Context ==
[[File:FNC meeting.jpg|thumb|Members of the Chilean National Front convene for discussion.]]
[[File:Chilean soldiers1.jpg|thumb|Chilean soldiers engage the Carolinian Expeditionary Forces in urban warfare somewhere in Valparaiso, Chile.]]
=== Chilean Political Instability ===
Chile following its independence was rife with corruption and cronyism, as the fledgling government had to deal with reconstruction efforts and consolidation of their currency. For the next 5 years, the administration focused on reconstruction of the nation and for their efforts, experienced a short golden age in which foreign investment from the UK, Carolina, Colombia, and other nations fueled the economy and industry of the nation. The 'golden age' would end in 1926, at the height of the [[European Economic Crisis]], as it would hit the nation hard. Chile would experience a period of unrest as unfair wages would be levied on workers around the country. The country would experience political instability, as governments and administrations came and went, with the issues and pleas of the Chilean people gone unanswered.
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==== Influence of National Republicans ====
[[File:FNC meeting.jpg|thumb|Members of the Chilean National Front convene for discussion.]]
After the Great War, the South American continent experienced a spread of [[National republicanism|National Republicanism]]; an ideology which aimed to establish a self-sufficient nationalist nation-state. This ideology became the root cause of the 1944 National Republican Coup, and the subsequent Peruvian Civil War. This created the belief among the Chilean populace that the spread of the ideology cannot be stopped, and that the ideology would enter the country one way or another. This belief motivated those dissatisfied with the current status quo to establish the Chilean National Front, or FNC. The political party gained widespread popularity among the middle class and resonated with those who shared the same impression, especially against those in the Chilean government.[[File:Chilean soldiers1.jpg|thumb|Chilean soldiers engage the Carolinian Expeditionary Forces in urban warfare somewhere in Valparaiso, Chile.]]
==== Guerrera Administration and Valparaiso Scandal ====
