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==== Oeitongbang Incident of 1881 ====
In 1881, the Mayor of Iksan began forcibly shutting down schools and selectively enslaving pro-Silhak peasants who failed to meet the tax deadline. Lord Ki Tsjangdjin of the Hengdjoe Ki clan gathered 83 scholars from all over the country in front of Kjangbak Palace to submit a petition to the King with the following requests;
# To end the persecutions of the Silhak movements and Corean Christians
# To abolish the institution of slavery
# To reannex the city of Poesjan from the Dutch, in addition to expelling the Dutch consul
# To permit the education of women in womens' universities
# To readdress the tax system and reform penalties for failing to pay tax
Lord Ki's son, Military Governor Ripbam of Kesang (the future [[Tedjo of Sjakwang|King Tedjo]]), dispatched a contingent of 225 soldiers to the capital of Hansjang to support the petition of the scholars. The Tsjasan government responded with deploying 500 soldiers and royal guards to defend the capitol district of [https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%95%9C%EC%84%B1%EB%B6%80 Hansangboe]. This resulted in the Oeitongbang Incident [의통방사건].
The Incident lasted around 36 hours. A documented 21 people died and 13 buildings were set ablaze, causing the destruction of several important records and books. Several residences were looted, leading to the disappearance of many precious items such as celadon, chests of gold bars, ancestral tablets, and paintings. Foreign dignitaries from the [[Great Qing|Qing dynasty]], [[Russia]], [[Genoa]], and other countries fled Hansjang. Exoduses of Corean Christians, corrupt officials, and educators also occurred. Public frustration was merely raised due to the death of Lord Ki Tsjangdjin, who passed away due to a heart attack during the Incident. During his funeral, a mob of pro-Tsjasan bandits stormed the funeral procession, allegedly at the request of the Left State Councillor.
Guerrilla activity continued throughout Kjanggi province - in fact, most of Corea - for the next two years. Hansjang remained under martial law for the majority of this time, with many other Corean cities and ports having to institute measures to preserve food supplies and improve defensive apparatuses in their respective provinces.
== Timeline of the Coup ==
