Irokesenland: Difference between revisions

(Gave it a makeover)
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In 1848, the Dutch sold land west of the Appalachians to the British in an effort to prevent future conflicts. The indigenous southern Irokees peoples who had lived there, namely the Ojateckeronoo (Cherokee), Tsjerohacka (Nottoway), Kouintsjacka (Meherrin), and the Scharoerieacka (Tuscarora), settled in southern Irokesenland.
===== Formation of Irokesenlanderthe Irokees identity =====
Over the entire 19th century, the Iroquois society had morphed into something completely different than what they had before the Europeans arrived. The trade and alliance with the Dutch led to heavy intermingling and intermarriages between their societies, and a growing mixed-race population, called the Irokees, was starting gain dominance. The shift towards western cultural styles were catalyzed by the creation of the Irokesenland protectorate. Irokees people adopted many of the cultural practices of the Dutch, such as Christianity, market participation, written constitutions, the gradual shift towards a patrilineal society, and even slavery, but had not abandoned their strong Iroquois identity. The borders within Irokesenland, originally intended as the boundaries between the various Iroquois nations, gradually became nothing more than ordinary administrative divisions as a new Irokees identity grew and tribal divisions were becoming less apparent.
The Irokees had changed drastically since the 18th century with the introduction of new crops and technologies, Christianisation, and traumatic socioeconomic events. The various artificial ethnic boundaries drawn in the early 19th century would eventually become irrelevant, with miscegenation and cultural interaction leading to the ethnogenesis of the modern Irokees people and modern Irokesenlander culture.
'''Dominion of Tussenland'''
By the late 1850s, Irokees nationalism was at a high. The colonial dependence on the Dutch led to desires for self-determination and independence. Irokesenland was not alone in their quest for self-rule. Other colonies of the Dutch, like the Francohponic Meerenland colony in the Great Lakes, also experienced unrest. In 1859, Irokesenland nationalists joined forces with the Francophone Meerenlander rebels in the north. Together, they participated in an insurrection that led to colonial reforms by the Dutch in 1861. In 1861, the four colonies of the Dutch in America, coalesced into what is know known as the Federation of Tussenland, with high degrees of self-rule, butwith the Dutch monarch as its head of state.
== Government and Politics ==
