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During the Great War, Illyria was initially neutral. The Austria and Ottoman Empires recognized Illyria's usefulness as a buffer state between them, and as such, tried to prevent Illyria from sliding towards the influence of the Cordial League. Britain, on the other hand, tried to coerce Illyria into joining, promising a vast territory should they win. However, the tsar remained steadfastly neutral.
The Tsar began to harbor distrust towards the Tripartite Coalition when neutral Moldavia was attacked by the Ottomans. Furthermore, in the later years of the war, Moldavia annexed the principality of Wallachia. This proved the fragility of the sovereignty of the Balkan states. As a result, Illyria took up Britain's offer to join the Cordial League, in order to protect their sovereignty and to be recognized and seen as equals in the alliance. Podgorica was made the capital of Illyria during the Great War, and remained that way after the war.
Illyria cooperated and fought alongside the British during the war. After the war, they gained vast amounts of territory from the former Austrian and Ottoman Empires.
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