History of Tussenland: Difference between revisions

Added: Central corridor development, Westerzee troubles, migration, and ANAN intervention
(Added Republican lore (1937-1943). Irokees Renaisasnce, Westerzee Troubles)
(Added: Central corridor development, Westerzee troubles, migration, and ANAN intervention)
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=== 1861 Tussenland Constitution ===
The Tussenland Act of 1861 elevated the American colonies and protectorates to 'province' status, all being equal to each other. [[Irokesenland]], [[Westerzee]], Mississippi, and Meerenland were now part of the Federation of Tussenland. Under the act, the four provinces would have full domestic authority, while still following the Dutch legal framework. A constitution was created for Tussenland, and a unicameral legislature called the Federal Assembly was created. The Federal Assembly consisted of 72 members: 18 representative per province. The Federation would be led by a Grand Pensionary (Amerikaens: ''raedspensionaris)'' which would be selected by the Federal Assembly. Alongside the raedspensionaris was the Dutch High Commissioner: a representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Federation, which would serve as an advisory role.
The 1861 Tussenland Act also granted parcels of land in southwestern Irokesenland to the Dutch plantation owners who had lost their land after the independence of South Tussenland.
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=== Tussenland in the Great War (1935-1937) ===
On August 24, 1935, a motion for a declaration of war is passed in the Tussenland National Assembly 109-71 and was approved by the Council of Provinces (lower house) in less than a week. On September 3, 1935, Tussenland officially declares war on France. Tussenland was relatively safe from the war in Europe, and provided auxiliary naval and infantry support for Great Britain, often fighting with British divisions. Support for the war was strongest in the Misuri provinces, Mississippi, and Irokesenland. Irokees recruits from Irokesenland, especially those of Mohawk descent, were the most iconic Tussenlander soldiers in Europe, and made good scouts and snipers. Support for the war is less evident in [[Westerzee]] and Meerenland due to the sympathies of their significant French and Corean-speaking populations.
==== Tussenlander withrawal from the war (September 1937) ====
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By November 1937, two months after Tussenland dropped out of the war, New Netherland and Mexico officially refused to join the war on France's side, considering that the Cordial League was starting to make gains in the war.
== SilentTurmoil Warand eratransformation (19401937-19701949) ==
=== '''Onhwendja-Souriz republican government (1937-1943)''' ===
The Republican Government of 1937-1943 was led by President Stoffel v'n-Onhwendja, a politician of Irokees and Amerikaner descent. Onhwendja appointed Théodore Souriz, leader of the Democratic Party, as Prime Minister. The primarynew government's focus of the Onhwendja-Souriz government was to increase the autonomy and decision-making powers of individual provinces, which they saw as a right that that previous NTA government had trampled by pressuring provinces to participate in the Great War, even when some provinces were reluctant or indifferent.
==== New Irokees renaissance ====
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==== Rise of the Asian Population in Westerzee: Immigration and Cultural Shifts ====
The devastating impact of the [[Great War]] on Corea and China in the 1930s all contributed to a growing number of Asian immigrants seeking better opportunities in Westerzee. The Onhwendja-Souriz government largely welcomed this increase in the Asian population, resulting in the establishment of numerous Asian communities throughout Westerzee. By the 1940s, Corean, Mandarin, and Cantonese were widely spoken in the province, and the government implemented various pro-Asian immigration policies, such as the Asiatic Migration Act (1940), which increased the quotas for Corean and Chinese immigration into Westerzee. Many Asian individuals were also appointed to government posts and administrative roles, reflecting the region's pro-Asian migration stance.
==== Start of the Westerzee Troubles (1941) ====
{{Main|Westerzee Troubles}}
The surge in the Asian population in [[Westerzee]] during this period resulted in a perceived disenfranchisement among the white Amerikaner community in Westerzee. Feeling culturally and politically outnumbered, some members of the white Amerikaner community expressed concerns about the influence of the growing Asian demographic. In response to these sentiments, pro-white parties like the Voor National Party (VNP) gained traction, advocating for the expulsion of Asian influence in Westerzee.
Tensions escalated, eventually leading to a violent insurgency between the Asian population and white nationalists. The Onhwendja-Souriz government faced criticism for what was seen as a slow response to the escalating troubles. The administration largely delegated the handling of the situation to the local Westerzee government. This perceived inaction contributed to the political downfall of the Onhwendja-Souriz government, losing in the 1943 election to the Federalists. The Federalists campaigned on a platform focused on increasing national security, resonating with a significant portion of the rest of the country in the context of the ongoingrising insurgencytensions.
=== '''Vragtelt-Aelders federalist government (1943-1949)''' ===
==== Escalation of the Westerzee Troubles ====
By 1945, Westerzee had plunged into a full-blown insurgency orchestrated by the VNP and Voor Vanguards, the armed wing of the VNP. Employing tactics such as assassinations, kidnappings, and sabotage, their targets included both the government and the Asian community, further intensifying the conflict. The challenging terrain exacerbated the government's struggle to effectively counter these tactics.
In response, the government took measures such as suspending the VNP from participation in Tussenland politics, arresting its members, and engaging in skirmishes. Concurrently, Asian-Amerikaener militias like the 1644 Korps and ''Djajuoei Sjoehotsja Leger'' ("Defenders of Liberty" in Corean; 자유의 수호자) emerged to protect their communities, collaborating with the government in joint operations against the insurgency.
==== Development of Tussenland's Central Corridor ====
The Westerzee Troubles lead to a reduction in economic activity and investment in Westerzee. There was a shift in economic activities, urban migration, and investments back towards the "Central Corridor," which encompasses the federal capital, Daesemus, and its surrounding environs. Notably, international urban migration to Daesemus and Peoria experienced an uptick, driven in part by migrants seeking to avoid the conflict zone in Westerzee.
===== Increasing European migration =====
Following the 1943 victory of the conservative United Patriotic Front in neighboring [[New Netherland]], their stringent immigration measures prompted Tussenland to emerge as the primary destination for European emigrants escaping the aftermath of the [[Great War]]. The Central Corridor's opportunities drew migrants, leading to a notable increase in population in Mississippi, Meerenland, and eventually Irokesenland. In Irokesenland, the impact of European migration was marked by a generational divide, with traditionalists opposing development and migration, while younger, Amerikaenified Irokees supported the federal government's efforts for their contributions to the local workforce and economy.
==== Federalist coalition's waning support ====
The federalist government's perceived leniency towards the Voor Nationalists eroded its popularity, as citizens believed the approach amounted to a mere slap on the wrist, emboldening the insurgents. This sentiment, particularly strong in Westerzee and provinces with a substantial non-white population like Irokesenland, fueled a demand for a more assertive government stance against the rebels.
In response to public dissatisfaction, the ''Coalition of National Reform and Unity'' (CRNU) emerged, comprising the Liberal Party (formerly part of the Federal coalition that broke off) and various regional parties advocating a federal agenda, such as the Westerzeer Association and the New Irokees Party. This coalition advocated for a more heavy-handed response to the insurgency.
In the 1949 presidential elections, Pieter Kristiansen of the Coalition of National Reform and Unity secured a landslide victory.
=== Kristiansen-Wesselszoon government (1949-1955) ===
==== Formation of ANAN and intervention in Westerzee ====
During Pieter Kristiansen's presidency within the Coalition of National Reform and Unity (CRNU), efforts to establish the [[Association of North American Nations|Association of North American Nations (ANAN)]] were expedited, with a significant focus on addressing the Westerzee Troubles. In 1951, ANAN was officially formed; one of its first international actions undertaken was support and intervention in Westerzee.
The ANAN identified the [[Amerikaens Free State]], situated southwest of Tussenland, as a key player fueling the Westerzee Troubles, allegedly with support from the National Republican Party of [[Russia]]. In response, an ANAN coalition intervention took place in 1953 within the Amerikaens Free State. This intervention successfully ousted the Goudpaerdt family dictatorship from power, establishing a new government aligned with ANAN interests in the region.
== See also ==
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators
