History of Tussenland: Difference between revisions

From Roses, Tulips, & Liberty
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==== Blockade of America, and the Atlantic Quasi-War ====
Even though the Tussenlanders were able to gain control of the capital, the conflict was far from over. The Dutch, who had naval superiority in the region, conducted a blockade on Tussenland's Pacific and Atlantic ports. However, this did very little to harm Tussenland as they were still able to access the Atlantic through New Netherland. As a response to this, the Dutch also blockaded New Netherland's ports, leading to an undeclared quasi-war between New Netherland and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In English historical literature, this is known as the Atlantic Quasi-war. The Atlantic quasi-war and blockade prompted New Netherland to accelerate its ship production, and was the first time New Netherland used their new submarines in warfare, sinking multiple Dutch ships.
== Post-independence (1903-present) ==
==== Effects on the Kingdom of the Netherlands ====
By 1910, the Atlantic Quasi-war had already toned down in intensity. However, the Netherlands still did not recognize Tussenland as an independent nation. However, this stubbornness had led to a homegrown anti-colonialism back in the [[Kingdom of the Netherlands]] in 1911. However, this uprising was quickly crushed as factionalism broke the effort down, with republicans wanting to overthrow the king and transition into a republic, monarchists who wanted to keep the monarchial institution, and communards who wished to upheave the social order. The war and loss of Tussenland also caused an inflation of food prices in the Netherlands, as colonial Tussenland played a significant role in the Dutch agricultural economy. The Netherlands would only recognize Tussenland's independence in 1918, as a response to growing international recognition of the new country. The Dutch shortly established trade with the new independent nation, and an embassy was installed in the nation's capital.
== Post-independence (19031905-present) ==
=== Northern Great Plains expeditions ===
=== Crÿnssen-Sykes administration (1905-1911) ===
==== Northern Great Plains expeditions ====
Now free from Dutch legislations, the newly independent Tussenland sought to expand north into territory they were formerly forbidden to settle. The Tussenland Land Agency began surveying the land in the north, which attracted ire from the nomadic peoples living there. In 1907, the National Assembly authorized military expeditions into the north. Throughout 1907 to 1917, the Tussenland army engaged in multiple skirmishes against the northern plains Indians, particularly the Cree and Sioux, and later the Niitsaapi (Blackfoot), A'aninin (Gros Ventre), and Tsuutina (Sarcee). In 1915, the latter three nations formed a united front against Amerikaner expansion called the Plains Confederacy. Unfortunately, the lack of unity from the confederacy caused their defeat. Throughout the whole ordeal, the Tussenland Land Agency brokered and conducted hundreds of individual treaties with individual bands of Indians who surrendered, either granting them land in [[Opdamsland]] (which Tussenland had pressured into opening up land to Indian refugees), or granting them shelter in the urban areas of Tussenland and Opdamsland.
Conflict in the northern plains had settled down by 1915. However, the Northern Plains war is considered to have officially ended when the Amerikaners signed the last relocation treaty in June 14, 1917 after a band of Indian horsemen surrendered after a brief battle ensued near the outskirts of Nieuw-Kaetsheuvel. The conflict is regarded as one of Tussenland's darker chapters in history. Historians argue that more Indians have died in battle or disease than those forcibly relocated. This had led to many protests in the 1940s and 1950s in Opdamsland, led by many second-generation Cree and Siouan refugees born in Opdamsland.
==== TwoCreation Newof ProvincesCrÿnssenslandt province (1910) ====
===== Crÿnssenslandt (1910) =====
[[File:Map of Crynssensland Territory (1910).png|thumb|276x276px|Map of Crÿnssensland Territory before its admission as the fifth province]]
Since 1907, the Tussenland Land Agency had already started opening up fertile land to Tussenlander settlers. The first department in unincorporated territory, Batavia, was established on March 3, 1908 south of Lake Manidooba, centered around the outpost town of the same name. Then came the department of Nackota, established six months later on September 24, 1908. On the following year, Prosperitie was established. On July 10, 1910, the fourth department in unincorporated territory was created. Shortly after, the Tussenland Land Agency consolidated the four departments into a single territory called Crÿnssenslandt, and on September 26, 1910 was admitted as the fifth province of Tussenland.
===== RuyterslandtRepublican administration (1911-1929) =====
In the 1911 National Elections, the Republican Coalition, secured a decisive victory over the Federalist Coalition, with Jan Maer Eymbertsz elected President. Eymbertsz appointed Gaspard Pasquier, leader of the Democratic Party, as Prime Minister. The new government promoted a dynamic between the central authority and the provinces, focusing on regional development.
By 1911, Tussenland expressed desires to settle unincorporated territory west of Crÿnssenslandt. The Tussenland Land Agency expressed support for this, but there were political hurdles within the Tussenland National Assembly. Representatives from the non-white majority provinces of Westerzee and Irokesenland were against the creation of new provinces in unincorporated territories, as this would increase white representation in the assembly and reduce the political influence of Westerzee and Irokesenland. The issue split the National Assembly in two camps. However, they were able to come to a compromise: only one new province would be created for the rest of the unincorporated territories, called Ruyterslandt, and any new departments created will automatically be added to this new province. This was called the Ruyterslandt compromise. On June 7, 1911, the new province of Ruyterslandt. The compromise resulted in the unusually large and irregular shape of Ruytersland. As with all the other provinces, the province is represented by 20 members in the Tussenland National Assembly, bringing the total number of representatives in the assembly to 120. As of its creation.
==== Creation of Ruyterslandt province (1911) ====
== 20th-century economic growth and immigration ==
By 1911, Tussenlandsettlers expressed desires to settle unincorporated territory west of Crÿnssenslandt. The Tussenland Land Agency expressed support for this, but there were political hurdles within the Tussenland National AssemblyCongress. Representatives from the non-white majority provinces of Westerzee and Irokesenland were against the creation of new provinces in unincorporated territories, as this would increase white representation in the assembly and reduce the political influence of Westerzee and Irokesenland. The issue split the National Assembly in two camps. However, they were able to come to a compromise: only one new province would be created for the rest of the unincorporated territories, called Ruyterslandt, and any new departments created will automatically be addedintegrated to this new province. This was called the Ruyterslandt compromise. On June 7, 1911, the new province of Ruyterslandt was established. The compromise resulted in the unusually large and irregular shape of Ruytersland. As with all the other provinces, the province is represented by 2025 members in the Tussenland National Assembly, bringing the total number of representatives in the assembly to 120. As of its creation.
==== TheDiscovery 20thof centurynatural energy boomgas ====
Tussenland's potential in the natural gas and petroleum industry was first realized by the Dutch in the 1820s, mainly in Meerenland, prompting them to utilize the resource and build the Great Pacific Railway in the 1860s. The energy sector of Tussenland was mostly eastern-oriented, until in the 1890s, the Dutch the first recorded natural gas find south of Fort Lubbertsen (now in present-day Lansinck Department, Ruytersland). However, it was not after the independence of Tussenland that the first well was drilled near the location. The Tussenland Land Agency oversaw the drilling of a well. This led to the discovery of the Lansinck Gas Sand in 1912. Further expeditions led to more gas, and eventually, oil finds in Ruytersland and ultimately the establishment of the Lansinck Natural Gas Company (now the present-day Tussenland National Energy Corporation).
==== Immigration into Tussenland ====
The new finds in the energy sector, along with lands being opened up for settlement on the great plains, attracted a lot of European and Asian immigrants into Tussenland. European immigrants mainly went through Meerenland through the St. Lawrence or through New Netherland. The major European immigrant groups in the early 20th century were the Germans and Russians fleeing from economic devastation that the 1920s European economic crisis brought, and Christian Ottomans fleeing from religious persecution. Asian immigrants entered Tussenland by the Pacific Westerzee ports. The major Asian immigrant groups were Chinese people fleeing from Qing's economic downturn, and Coreans fleeing the Russo-Corean War in the 1930s.
In 1917, Eymbertsz would be reelected as president, and appointed Andries Jansz van Emden as Prime Minister. In 1923, Jochem de Leeuw succeeded Eymbertsz as president, but affirmed van Emden's prime ministership.
== 20th Century Government ==
==== Government and Diplomatic Relations ====
Tussenland, from 1905-1911, was ruled by the Federalist Party, under the Crÿnssen-Sykes administration, until they were replaced by the Republican Coalition (Eymbertsz-Pasquier tandem) in the 1911 Elections. Since their independence, Tussenland looked towards Great Britain for recognition. There had been substantian investment and trade between the two nations, and continued to foster good relations throughout the early 20th century.
=== The Alyeskan Scheme Crisis (1927-1929) ===