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During the Russian Revolution, Transpruthenia would be reannexed into the [[Moldavia|Moldavian National Republic]]. The Crimean Viceroyalty would be reconstructed as an autonomous national republic by 1930, with the Azov region being de-attached for strategic reasons.
== DoubleRussian O periodRevolution (19231922-19441928) ==
====The RussianBackground Revolution====
In the 1920s, the [[European Economic Crisis]] and its effects hit Russia especially hard. InAlready plagued by famines 1922in the 1910s, a series of crop failures and poor financial decisions by the Russian imperial authorities caused a financial crisis known as the Russian depressionDepression. During the depression,A massive faminesexodus inof Ukrainerural andpeasantry thetowards Donurban Kubancenters regionoccurred, sentwith thousands of refugeespeople north towards urban centers such asentering Moscow, St.seeking Petersburg,work and Kievhousing. This led to fooda riots,strict strikes,and apathetic crackdown and crackdownsdirectly bycaused imperialsubsequent authoritiesviolence.
AroundSeveral everyghettos largethat cityformed in Russia,cities largebecame shantytownshotbeds startedof poppingrepublicanism up;and theseanti-elite shantytowns were overcrowdedsentiment, andrejecting diseasethe outbreaksnotion wereof common'enlightened indespotism' them.brought Duringupon thisby period,Tsar antiHenry-elite,Williams anti-tsar,decades andprior. pro-republicanBy sentiments grew throughout1923, the Russianunderground empire.political In 1923,organization the Russian Republican Congress (thehad largestaccumulated republicanover organizationa inmillion Russiamembers atand the timeaffiliates, alsowith known as the R.R.C.) had over aseveral million members in the Muscovitemore regionbeing alonesympathizers. By the winter of 1925, the situation in Russia rapidly deteriorated, with mostviolence citizensnow believingbeing thattargeted the Tsar mishandledagainst the economicimperial crisisfamily and exacerbated the famineshighest in the rural south through poor economic policy. Additionally, there was an outrage at the continued opulenceofficials of the Tzar, Tsarina, and nobilities lifestyles the peasantry starvedstate.
=====Storming of the Winter Palace=====
On December 3rd, the winter palace was surrounded by a bread riot that swept through Moscow, and after 6 hours of rioting, the protestors stormed the Winter Palace. The nobility left the previous day to St. Petersburg (but upon hearing of the storming of the palace, left for Britain). After two days of further agitation and the breakdown of imperial civil control in Russia, the Russian Republican Congress declared the first Russian Republic and the end of imperial rule. After a week of tension with the new government, the imperial military reluctantly agreed to back the new government.
===== Storming of the Winter Palace= ====
For the first month of its existence, the new Republic was stuck in a deadlock between the two major factions in government, the liberal republicans and the nationalist republicans (more commonly known as the Vosstanists (from Russian восстановление, vosstanovlenie) . Additionally, after the Tsar fled, many non-Russian regions of the empire declared independence, while the Russian military acted mostly autonomously from the Republics congress. In February of 1926, after the first wave of elections was marred with controversy. The Vosstanists walked out of congress and started to conspire to overthrow the liberal-republican-dominated congress. The following week after a series of negotiations with the military (led by General Mikhail Orlov) and the leaders of the Cossacks, the newly reformed Nationalist Republican or Vosstanist faction now known as the 'Russian National Congress' declared the Russian Republican Congress illegitimate. On Feburary 19th the breakaway Russian National Congress elected the writer and revolutionary Anastaze "Ozero" Muromsky as the chairman of the Republic.
On December 3rd, the winter palace was surrounded by protestors who had originally congregated in the area to participate in a bread riot. The Russian aristocracy, including the Tsar himself, had fled for other cities and their holiday homes days prior and were unharmed. After two days of riots, the protestors broke into the Winter Palace and declared the end of the Romanov monarchy. Days before Christmas, the Russian Republican Congress declared the first Russian republic and the end of imperial rule. After a week of tensions, most soldiers of the former Imperial Military agreed to serve the new republican administration.
====Russian Civil War====
{{Infobox military conflict
The Russian Republican Congress reacted harshly to the National Congresses declaration and raised militias from loyalist cities and regions. By March of 1926, the Liberal Russian Republic relied only on a decentralized system of militias with dubious loyalties and often recruited from rebellious national interest groups who feared that the Vosstanists would destroy the local autonomy given to them by the Tsar's Viceroy system. This faction was often known collectively on the battlefield as the Tricolor Army due to their use of the Russian white, blue & red tricolor flag. Initially, the Tricolor Army was able to hold on to land in southern Russian, the Baltics and regions in Northern Russia.
| conflict = Russian Civil War
| place = [[Russia]]
| width = 300px
| date = 1926 - 1928 (2 years, 12 days)
| result = - Russian National Congress victory, establishment of the Russian National Republic
| combatant1 = Parliament of the Republic </br> Tricolour Army </br> Finnish rebels
| combatant2 = Russian National Congress </br> Cossacks
| commander2 = General [[Mikhail Orlov]] </br> [[Ozero]]
==== Russian Civil War ====
In contrast, the Vosstanists were able to rapidly take control of the core of Russian ethnic and industrial land in the Muscovite region. They consolidated their rule with a variety of social and work programs, which alleviated the worst of the effects of the famines and economic crisis and the use of harsh authoritarian crackdowns on dissenters. The Vosstanists were able to push the Tricolor Republic Army out of North Russia by the summer of 1926. They then slowly turned their attention to their core region of support in south Russia. Throughout 1927, opponents from the Liberal Republic would try desperately to gain a foreign backer, first from the British and then the Ottomans, but as the European Economic Crisis raged, there was little desire from the other powers of Europe to get involved in a civil war that seemed to be already lost. However, they were able to find an ally in the Finnish Nationalist Republican insurgents that launched the Finnish revolution a year prior (1925).
The newly formed Parliament of the Republic was deadlocked a month after the Storming of the Winter Palace. The liberal republicans, inspired by the ideals of Dutch republicanism and British liberalism, strongly opposed the national republicans, more commonly known as the Vosstanists (from Russian восстановление). Several frontier regions of Russia further heightened the urgency of the situation. One of these movements eventually became successful, creating the nation of [[Turkestan]] a decade later.
In February of 1926, the first elections were marred with controversy. The Vosstanists walked out of Parliament, declaring their formal opposition to the liberal republicans. After a series of negotiations with military and Cossack leaders, including General [[Mikhail Orlov]], the national republicans formed the Russian National Congress, accusing the Parliament of being an illegitimate institution. On the nineteenth, the Congress elected the revolutionary author and politician [[Ozero|Anastaze 'Ozero' Muromsky]] as Chairman of the National Republic.
By the winter of 1927, the Liberals realized their plight was doomed and so used their resources to provide an exodus route for the leaders, military, and businesspeople of the ill-fated republic. By February of 1928, there were only pockets of isolated fighting as the Vosstanists swept into Southern Russia and gained control. By March, the last battle of the Russian Civil War was over.
In response, Parliament gathered their sparse military regiments and militias into what became known as the Tricolour Army. Several regional leaders sided with Parliament, fearing that Congress would centralise the state and deprieve the former viceroyalties of their autonomy. The Black Sea region, the Baltics, and several other regions populated by ethnic and religious minorities provided men for the Tricolour Army.
== Kiselev family rule (1944-) ==
The Vossatanists consolidated their power by enacting several social, martial, and economic programs, alleviating the worst effects of the famine and the economic crisis. Using authoritarian methods against dissenters and insurgents, they managed to confine the Parliamentarians to southern Russia by the summer of 1926. The Parliamentarians appealed to the Ottomans and the United Kingdom for assistance, but were given no response except for Finnish revolutionaries in the far north. By the winter of 1927, notable figures of Parliament left the country. By March of 1928, all major insurgencies had ceased.
== Double O period (1925-1944) ==
== Kiselev family rule (1944-) ==
== See also ==
