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==== Early stages ====
When National Republicanism was established through the 1944 coup, Equador was facing economic and political disarray for decades. After the flee of the Equadorian president along with the rest of the most relevant political figures, a unipartidary regime was established. The National Republican Party was the most powerful institution in the country. Legislative and judiciary powers were subjugated to the party will and, outside the politics, the party president enforced their interests as being the sole commander of the armed forces.
On November 07th 1944, Russian envoys met in Belém to discuss future partnerships between the two nations. Economically, Russia became the major Equadorian partner. Since the coup, many western nations have established embargoes over Equador, therefore, Russian economic aid was responsible for the country's economic survival through this period. Russia also became the sole provider of industrialized goods, and main investor.
===== Acknowledgment of '''Nheengatu (Amazon General Language)''' =====
During the first decade, Equador saw a rapid increase in life quality, especially in urban centers, such as Belém, Manaus, Santarém and Boa Vista. This development boosted the process of urbanization of the population. Education, healthcare and infrastructure also received lots of investments. This period also was marked by a rapid population growth.
==== Acknowledgment of '''Nheengatu (Amazon General Language)''' ====
The Nheengatu, or Língua Geral Amazônica (Amazon General Language) became an official language. The language was persecuted by the Portuguese Crown during colonial times, and later unrecognized by the late 19th to early 20th century independent governments, being widely spoken only in small towns and villages in the depths of the rainforest.
==== Golden Decades (1950s to late 1960s) ====
==== Gunpowder Years (late 1960s to early 1970s) ====
==== Reintegration Period (mid 1970s to 1980) ====
{{Nations of the World}}
