Brasil: Difference between revisions

More detail about Brasil during the Great War added. Anti-war and political reformist demonstrations in the country during the global conflict.
(More detail about Brasil during the Great War added. Anti-war and political reformist demonstrations in the country during the global conflict.)
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On December 21th, the Brazilian-Angolse forces started a siege over Abome, which lasted until January 30th of 1938, when facing supply shortage, the occupation forces surrendered, ending the conflict in Portuguese Africa.
==== Anti-war demonstrations ====
Shortly after the entrance of Portugal, thus Brasil as well, in the Great War on the side of the Cordial League reached Brasilian newspapers, popular demonstrations against Brasil involvement in the global conflict began in the provincial capitals and other city centers of the kingdom. The streets of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, especially, saw marches of thousands of unpleased populars during the four years of fighting.
Among the protesters, people of many political spectrum could be seen. The common folk, not willing to have their husbands, brothers and sons sent to Europe or Africa, Republicans, which advocated the total political emancipation of Brasil from the Portuguese Monarchy, Anarchists and non-France aligned Communards. Although these groups had mostly different goals, the totality of them had in common: modify the Luso-Brasilian constitution, ceasing Brasil to be obligated to fight in wars alongside Portugal.
===== Night Of The Thirty Thousand =====
The Night Of The Thirty Thousand was the most numerous demonstration in Brasil during the Great War. Happening in Rio de Janeiro from the evening of the August 8th 1937 to the morning the next day, around thirty thousand people gathered in front of the parliament palace in a vigil against the continuation of Brasilian participation in the conflict and restructuring of the constitution. It was the most numerous popular protest since the establishment of the kingdom in 1922, and one of the major in the history of Brasil.
