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=== Early History ===
Owing to its location, the present territory of Colombia was a corridor of early human civilization from Mesoamerica and the Caribbean to the Andes and Amazon basin. ColombiaVarious hasindigenous beenpeoples have inhabited by various indigenous peoplesColombia since at least 12,000 BCE, including the Muisca, Quimbaya, Caquetio, Timoto–Cuicas, and the Tairona. The Spanish landed first in La Guajira in 1499 and by the mid-16th century colonized parts of the region, establishing the Viceroy of New Granada.
During Spanish rule, Colombia became a center of imperial power with the growth of the colonial cities of Bogota, Caracas, Quito & Cartagena.
=== Colombian Revolution ===
Starting in the early 1830's southern and central Europe erupted into a wave of revolutions based upon liberalism, republicanism, and nationalism known as the [[Spring of Nations]]. Some of the earliest of these revolutions were in the Iberian peninsula, with revolutionaries calling for the Spanish and Portuguese empires to reform their political systems, with some revolutionaries going as far as to callcalling for the abolition of the monarchies. The ideals of the Spring of Nations spread to the Spanish and Portuguese American colonies throughout the 1830's1830s culminating in a series of (mostly unsuccessful) revolts in Puerto Rico, New Spain, Brazil, and in New Granada. In the viceroy of New Granada, there was a growing dissatisfaction amongst local merchants and criollo elites, as well as amongst the lower classes who've become limited in socio-political advancement due to the restrictive Spanish c''astacasta'' system.
The Colombian Revolution started in 1836 with a series of liberal revolts in Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, and Maracaibo. In March of 1838, the [[Colombian Revolutionary Congress]] organized a militia and occupied the city of Medellín. Over the year, the Colombian highlands erupted into armed revolt under the revolutionary congress; in November of 1839, the revolutionary congress decidesdecided on a platform of the abolition of slavery, which helped to spread the revolution to the Caribbean and Pacific coastal lowlands. By the end of the year, the revolutionary congress was in control of most of Venezuela, Trinidad, the Colombian Pacific coast, and the Colombian highlands, with Spanish royalist forces being limited to the Atlantic coasts and the Ecuadorian highlands. In 1841 fighting slowed down in Ecuador, with both sides unable to advance on the other. Additionally international pressure started to turn in favor of the Colombian rebels with the Dutch and French empires refusing to stop trading the rebels. In April of 1841, the Spanish started to actively shoot down Dutch merchant ships trying to land in New Granada which led to the Dutch empire actively arming the Colombian rebels. In October of 1842 Spanish forces retreated from their last strongholds in Barranquilla and Cartagena and in December Spanish and Colombian diplomatic signed the Treaty of Medellín (1842) in which the Spanish recognized the independence of New Granada but Spanish sovereignty and control over Ecuador was recognized (with the region being reorganized under the authority of the viceroy of Peru).
Additionally, international pressure started to favor the Colombian rebels, with the Dutch and French empires refusing to stop trading the insurgents. In April of 1841, the Spanish began to actively shoot down Dutch merchant ships trying to land in New Granada, which led to the Dutch empire openly arming the Colombian rebels. In October of 1842, Spanish forces retreated from their last strongholds in Barranquilla and Cartagena. In December, Spanish and Colombian diplomats signed the Treaty of Medellín (1842). The Spanish recognized the independence of New Granada but retained sovereignty and control over Ecuador (with the region being reorganized under the authority of the viceroy of Peru).
=== Republic of Colombia ===
==== First Colombian-Peruvian War ====
[[File:RTL 1895 Colombia.png|thumb|A map from 1895 showing Quito as disputed territory.]]
Since independence, the Republic of Colombia long believed that the ''Real Audiencia of Quito'' was an occupied province. andColombia made various gestures throughout the the mid -19th century of wanting to reclaim the territory. InThe 1875Colombians saw their chance when the viceroyViceroyalty of Peru, of (which the Quito territory washad administered underQuito) declared independence from Spain. and with this the government of Colombia saw an opening.
ThroughoutAt thethis 1880's and 1890'spoint, the Colombian Liberals remainedwere in control of the federal government through(by creating and exploiting athe political machinesystem based on the spoils system in the coastal cities of Cundinamarca and Venezuela). AfterTheir aconservative smallopponents borderattempted skirmishto onuse the Peruvian-Colombianissue borderover left two Colombian soldiers dead, the out of power Conservatives made a ployQuito to whipgain up Nationalist fervor and retake the Quito territory and hopefully regain political control from the Liberalssupport. In the Colombian election of 1889, the Conservatives won a major political victory and after a few months of tension declared war on Peru in January of 1890.
After a minor skirmish occurred on the Peruvian-Colombian border that caused the deaths of two Colombian soldiers, the out-of-power conservatives made a ploy to whip up Nationalist fervor, retake the Quito territory, and hopefully retake political control from the Liberals. The conservatives began to launch massive a massive propaganda campaign. In the Colombian election of 1889, the Conservatives won a major political victory and, after a few months of tension, declared war on Peru in January of 1890.
The Colombian army wasn't the most modernized at the start of the war but the country itself was economically prosperous and as such was able to import most of the armaments they needed from Europe. In contrast the Kingdom of Peru was in a state of disarray after the Peruvian-Spanish war (which Spain reinvaded Peru briefly after commerce disputes) with factions of generals not coordinating with each other, frequent supply shortages and an overall unclear war plan. The war itself only lasted 10 months with the Colombians rapidly overwhelming the Peruvian defense of Quito which was due in no small part to internal issues within Peru. After the war for nearly 8 years the Peruvian government refused to acknowledge Colombian sovereignty over the Quito territory.
The Colombian army wasn'twas not the most modernized at the start of the wartime, but the country itself was economically prosperous andin asthat suchthey was able to importimported most of the armaments they needed from Europe. In contrast, the Kingdom of Peru was in a state of disarray after the Peruvian-Spanish war (in which Spain reinvaded Peru briefly after commerce disputes) with factions of generals not coordinating with each other, frequent supply shortages, and an overall unclear war plan. The war itself only lasted 10ten months, with the Colombians rapidly overwhelming the Peruvian defense of Quito, which was due in no small part to internal issues within Peru. After the war, forPeru nearlywould 8not years the Peruvian government refused to acknowledgerecognize Colombian sovereignty over the Quito territory. until eight years later.
The aftermath of the war lead to great boons for the Republic of Colombia, not only did they gain a new province, they modernized their military with contemporary European arms and strategies and built stronger economic ties to nations such as France, the British, Genoa (who loaned the nation money during the war) and Venice. The Colombia Conservatives were able to use the victory in the war as a way to justify their continued rule and were able to stay in power for an unbroken 15 years.
The aftermath of the war leadled to great boons for the Republic of Colombia,. notNot only did they gain a new province, but they also modernized their military with contemporary European arms and strategies. andThey also built stronger economic ties to nations such as France, the British, Genoa (who loaned the nation money during the war), and Venice. The ColombiaColombian Conservatives were able to use the victory in the war as a way to justify their continued rule and were able to stay in power for an unbroken 15 years.
==== Race to the Pacific and the Panama Canal ====
[[File:PanamaCanalCommission.png|thumb|Logo of the Panama Canal Commission]]Colombia is one of the three main shareholders of the modern-day Panama Canal Commission, along with [[Mexico]] and Genoa. Since the mid-19th century, the three governments of Colombia, Mexico, and Genoaalready had plans offor a joint-effort canal project in the Isthmus of Panamá. The project had used Genoa (through Panama) as the banking base for itsthe financial aspects, of the projects and had a several Genoese engineers from Genoa involved. At the same time, the Dutch nations were building a separate canal in [[Boschland]], Central America. However, the Panama Canal was completed a few months before the Dutch canal didwas.
While the Panama Canal itself was a jointly -owned venture, Colombia owned the majority of land near the canal (besides for athe small[[Panama historic(Genoese tradingOverseas fortTerritory)|small port colony owned by Genoa]], which during this period started to grow into a major metropolitan area), which allowed the nation to profit heavily from the canal and it'sits constructioncompletion.
==== Italian Immigration to Colombia ====
From the 1890's1890s to the 1920's1920s, Colombia saw a majorsignificant boom in foreign direct investment, greater exploitation of Colombian natural resources and, the discovery of large oil deposits, as well asand a mid -sized industrial expansion centered around mineral and resource refining. Additionally, in 1899, new cultivars of Coffeecoffee were introduced to Colombia,. which alongAlong with wise long -term central planning by the ''Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia'' led to a massive growth in, the Colombian Coffee industry grew massively, with the nation quickly making a name for itself as one of the premier coffee -growing countries.
All theseThese changes led to a massive labor deficientdeficiency and a new need for foreign workers which was, mostly filled through a massive immigration wave from the Italian states after the 1903 Latial Famine and the [[Venice#Invasion of the Papal Adriatic (1908), and the Alps against Austria (1911-1912)|1908 Venetian Invasion of the Papal States]]. Additionally, thousands of Sicilian immigrants left towardsfor Colombia in the early 1900's1900s to escape poverty and the corrupt semi-serfdom -based economic system of the Kingdom of Sicily. While these immigrants left a majorsignificant positive cultural mark on the Republic of Colombia, one major issue that arose in this period was the creation of the long-standing Colombia Mafia's dominated by organizations with ties to the Cosa Nostra.
==== Second Colombian-Peruvian War ====
The European Economic Crisis in the 1920's1920s hit most of South America hard because of their reliance on European markets for their natural resources and agricultural goods. Though there were a few industries that actually grew in this period, notably rubber production, and as such rubber -producing regions were critically important to the economies of nations that controlled them.
In 1917, Peru, suffering from widespread unemployment and economic troubles stemming from the Economic Crisis in Europe, entered into secret talks with the Lusophone Republic of Equador and decided to wage a joint war on Colombia to split and annex the rubber producing Colombian Amazon territory.
In 1917 Peru suffering from widespread unemployment and economic troubles stemming from the Economic Crisis in Europe entered into secret talks with the Portuguese speaking Republic of Equador and decided to wage a joint war on Colombia in order to split and annex the rubber producing Colombian Amazon territory. At the time Colombia was suffering from it's own economic troubles as well as a series of strike waves across the nation. On July, 10th 1917 a surprise attack on Colombian airfields started the war with Colombia on the backfoot. Throughout 1917 Colombia lost ground in the Amazon as well as in the much sought over Quito province. By 1918 though Colombia was able to stop the Peruvian-Equadorian advances and mobilize it's new industrial center as well as securing nominal British support (who were worried of the precedent the war would set; themselves owning rubber producing land in Guiana). Additionally in Fall of 1918, the Chilean Revolt started in which the British and Colombian ran weapons and resources to. By the end of the year, Colombia was able to retake Quito province and at that point the war became a drawn out excursion mostly fought in the Amazon. In May 1919, Equador suffering a manpower shortage sued for peace and in that following July Peru signed an armistice with Colombia (themselves dealing with large scale revolts in Chile and the Chaco). On November 5th 1919, Colombia, Equador and Peru signed the Treaty of Leonabelle (mediated by the United Kingdom), in which Peru relinquished all claims to Quito, recognized the independence of Chile and the borders of the Amazon were agreed upon with Colombian claims and land occupied during the war being recognized as sovereign.
In 1917 Peru suffering from widespread unemployment and economic troubles stemming from the Economic Crisis in Europe entered into secret talks with the Portuguese speaking Republic of Equador and decided to wage a joint war on Colombia in order to split and annex the rubber producing Colombian Amazon territory. At the time, Colombia was suffering from it's own economic troubles as well asand a series of strikepolitical waves across the nationstrikes. On July 10, 10th 1917, a surprise attack on Colombian airfields started the war with Colombia on the backfoot. Throughout 1917, Colombia lost ground in the Amazon as well as inand the much sought over Quito province. By 1918 though, Colombia was able to stop the Peruvian-Equadorian advances, andmobilizing mobilize it'sits new industrial center as well asand securing nominal Britishsupport from the supportBritish (who were worried of the precedent the war's would setprecedent; themselves owning rubber producing land in Guiana). Additionally, in the Fall of 1918, the Chilean Revolt started in southern Peru, to which the British and Colombian ransupplied weapons and resources to. By the end of the year, Colombia was able to retake Quito province, and at that point, the war became a drawn -out excursion mostly fought in the AmazonAmazons. In May 1919, Equador, suffering a manpower shortage, sued for peace, and in that following July, Peru signed an armistice with Colombia (themselves dealing with large -scale revolts in Chile and the Chaco). On November 5th5, 1919, Colombia, Equador, and Peru signed the Treaty of Leonabelle (mediated by the United Kingdom), in which Peru relinquished all claims to Quito, and recognized the independence of Chile. and theThe borders of the Amazon were also agreed upon, withformalizing Colombianthe claimscession andof land occupied by Colombia during the war being recognized as sovereign.
The aftermath of the war saw Colombia becoming ingratiated with Britain and British influence in Colombian politics and economic growing to unprecedented levels. Additionally, the war led to a reignition of the Colombian economy and growth of large Anglo-Colombian corporate firms operating in the nation.
The aftermath of the war saw Colombia becoming ingratiated with Britain and. British influence in Colombian politics and economiceconomics growinggrew to unprecedented levels. Additionally, the war led to a reignitionThis ofreignited the Colombian economy, and growth of large Anglo-Colombian corporate firms operatingstarted into operate within the nation.
== Government and politics ==
=== Administrative divisions ===
Colombia is broken up into six provinces (Cundinamarca, Panama, Orinoco, Trinidad'','' Quito, Venezuela) and 64 departments. Additionally the [[District of San José de Cúcuta]] serves as the capital of the republic and exists outside of the jurisdiction{{Nations of the provinces.World}}
== Economy ==
{{Nations of the World}}
Bureaucrats, rtl-contributors, Administrators
